
early bird road re-surfacing

By Alice on Thursday 13th March 2008

I was woken up early by the noisy road re-surfacing machine - yuk!

road re surfacing

10 favourite sounds:

1. the ‘empty bin’ sound on the pc!
2. crunching twigs under my bike wheels
3. geese flying overhead
4. loose paving stones under my bike wheels
5. the sea
6. ice cracking on frozen over puddles when you jump in them
7. rain falling
8. footsteps through fresh snow
9. pebbles being thrown into water
10. the washing machine tune to let you know it’s finished

10 favourite smells:

1. cut grass
2. cakes or bread cooking
3. horses
4. lavender
5. rain on hot tarmac
6. recently-extinguished match
7. fresh coffee
8. corriander
9. fresh air
10. old book shops

Today I have been working on illustrations for a website for Ascent PR ...

Here’s one of them:
Ascent PR - ‘About us’ illustration

And I walked Themba…

themba being crazy!

themba and jemima

jemima and a swan and some geese too!