
My blackbird friend!

By Alice on Wednesday 2nd April 2008

This blackbird sits outside my window for most of the morning!!

blackbird friend

Yesterday I had a visit from Rachel Goodchild (another greetings card publisher -


) and her daughter. We took Jemima for a walk and then had lunch at Word of Mouth… It’s a really nice cafe in Evesham which has lots of clocks made from toast on the walls and also has an honesty library and LOVELY food. It’s nice to chat to someone all about greetings cards without them getting very bored!!

word of mouth

Today I have been doing new designs to add to existing ranges (there are two new ‘Love’ images, a new one for ‘Birds’, a new one for ‘Farm animals’ and a new one to add to ‘Nice & wordy’) and I’ve been getting in a mess over accounts! Whether to swap from Quickbooks to sage - now that is THE question!