
red kite fun

By Alice on Monday 4th April 2011

This AMAZING photo was taken by Charlie, Lizzy’s other half, while they were at the red kite centre in wales recently - cool eh!


LIZZY has this to say: Quick get away in the camper!

A couple of weekends ago we went on a trip to visit the Elan Valley, in Wales in our trusty old camper Freddie.

We decided to stay at the camp site at Gigrin Farm, which is also the official RSPB feeding station site for Red Kites since 1993, and now also the Red Kite Rehabilitation centre.


The Red Kite was once under threat of extinction, but it became a protected species by the RSPB, who them became responsible for all matters to do with kite protection and conservation in Wales.

We visited the Red Kite feeding station at the farm and we were astounded by how many wild Red kites came by to feed! As soon as the meat had been put out, the crow family started emerging from the surrounding trees. The Kites watched and waited for their chance to furl their wings and dive in, skimming the ground to snatch a scrap before rising suddenly to escape the beaks of the angry crows.

It’s amazing what Gigrin farm have done to ensure the survival success of these wonderful birds.

(We only had to sort through 300 photos to get the best ones!!)