
the great outdoors

By Alice on Thursday 28th April 2016

I have always been a big lover of being outside, and don’t care what the weather’s like one bit - I enjoy the outdoors in any season, cold, wet or hot. I find it even more important to spend time outside these days with a 5 year old, because of the pull of the xbox etc (it’s a great break from technology and the on-the-go lifestyle).


Most of our holidays include our green camper called sprout and we go off exploring different areas with the dogs, and always come home with a clearer, more focused mindset.



I also enjoy gardening, walking the dogs twice a day (walking boosts creativity promoting the free flow of ideas), cycling whenever I can instead of using the car, and horse riding. Being outdoors and looking at the world’s beauty makes you feel more alive and full of energy, having a great impact on your positivity and the closer you live to nature, the healthier you and your mental health will be (chilly or cloudy, windy or snowy, rain or shine!).

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. — Albert Einstein