
I completed my 100 day illustration project!

By Alice on Thursday 20th May 2021

I found the 100 day project much easier this year, I think adding creativity time into my day may have become a habit! It's also helped that it was earlier in the year when there's less going on, and I've really enjoyed the subject matter - I did 50 days of emotions with children and animal characters, and 50 days of endangered species.

The Sei Whale is the 3rd largest whale and can swim up to 35mph.

The great white shark is the largest predatory fish, growing up to 6 metres. They have 300 teeth arranged in 7 rows (but they don't chew their food, they just rip into their prey and swallow whole). They can detect 1 drop of blood in 100 litres of water, and they can also detect the electrical fields of other animals hearts (which guides them to their prey).

A group of dugongs is called a herd, nutcluster. Dugongs are a species of sea cow, they're huge but friendly, and their closest living relative is an elephant. I think they look like huge hoovers when they eat!

Narwhals are known as the unicorns of the sea. The long tusk that spirals counterclockwise from their upper lip is actually a tooth, that can grow up to 3 metres in length.

You can see all 100 papercut illustrations on my instagram page;
