

By Alice on Tuesday 29th September 2015

i’ve been using pinterest for a few years now - it took me a while to get into it… and then i started to love it - it’s a bit like scrap booking and is really useful if you’re doing up a house (like we are) and also i love it for reminders of lovely colourways. Recently though I’ve not been using it very much at all - so this blog is more a reminder for myself than anything else! I have 16 boards and my first board is called ‘lovely things from Alice Palace’...

and then the second board ‘Love 365 project from Alice Palace’ contains 365 images which were created during a year long project to complete a design a day (started on 1st March 2012, and was certainly a challenge!)...

‘Wonderous weddings’ is the next board and is great for wedding inspiration for the wedding stationery that we create…

I’m also part of the illustration friday board (because I do blogs on illustrators i like for them)...

the board ‘delicious design’ is for where i put any design work that i like…

i have a board called ‘good stuff’ - which i think could actually be divided out into my other boards…

‘colourful colours’ is the board i use the most for work (and the board that is the most followed)...

‘home ideas’ is the board i use most out of work, and where i pin everything that inspires me for our house

‘lovely love love’ is another board that could really be split up into other boards…

‘creative & crafty’ is a board full of projects i could do one day (but probably never will!)

‘it’s nice to be nice’ is a board full of lovely words

the ‘funty’ board is full of things i find amusing

‘yummy treats’ contains recipes and food i’d love to make (and have actually even made a few of them - including this lemon and coconut cake!)

‘looking good places’ is a board full of places i’d like to move to

‘allotment ideas’ was useful when we had our allotment for the last 2 years - but this year we were too busy with our house and so this board is a bit redundant at the moment

and finally my ‘mark’ll like’ board has pics on that i spot for surfing/biking/other mark based adventure-ings!

so all in all, like with anything pinterest does require some work - you do need to keep your boards organised, so that they can be useful…so i need to get onto that!
:: https://www.pinterest.com/alicepalacesays