
where’s that snow we were promised?

By Alice on Friday 5th December 2008

...it has been super cold - but I haven’t seen any snow as yet! I went for an early morning walk on Wednesday in my favourite kind of weather - icey with sunshine…




All I’ve heard about for ages now is doom and gloom and nobody has anything very positive to say. I have been trying to ignore it all, but it is easy to become a follower of all the misery. I have decided that it’s best to stay enthusiastic and productive. Worrying about things that you can’t actually do anything about is definately destructive.






Afterwards I went riding and played at the stables for a bit and got to see a big fox!


I spent yesterday finishing off my new designs and catalogue for January - and it’s going well. Below are a couple of Moon Bears - they are vunerable because they are hunted and killed for their gall bladder and paws, they are also sold as pets on the illegal wildlife trade and their natural habitat is suffering from deforestation. There are lots of reasons to LOVE the Moon Bear and help to save them from extinction - here are three of them: They love water and like nothing more than swimming and splashing around! They are highly intelligent and have a large vocabulary. Every bear’s moon shaped chest markings are different - each one is as unique as our fingerprints.


I also went for a walk with Jemima in the sunny frostyness that I love… and the sun was trying to appear!



We went to Mark’s parents for dinner and had a homemade beef pie and veg and chocolate pudding and looked at lots of cows!! Then we got home and watched a double taping of Prison Break - I LOVE it!!!